How to Choose the Right Self Improvement Resources for You

Self Improvement ResourcesAre you looking for self improvement resources to speed up your journey to success?

Today, personal development is a multi-billion industry and there’s a wealth of self improvement information available off and online.

But how to choose the resources that will work for you?

Read on, we’ll review a few so you can decide.

Self Improvement Resources: Books

Of course, the easiest available are self improvement books. These get you started on setting your self development goals and give you many positive attitude tips. But reading and collecting new info is not enough. You must do the recommended exercises on your own and more importantly, take the needed action to integrate the knowledge.

Want the most effective method of selecting the best self improvement book for you at any stage of self improvement you’re at? Try this.

Go to any big bookstore and head for the self-help shelf. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, think of a specific challenge you have right now, intend to be guided to the book you most need at this point, allow your hand to touch a few books on the shelf for a few seconds and pick the one that your hand had stopped on – that’s the book you need!

Self Improvement Resources: Talk Radio Podcasts

Self Improvement ResourcesOne of the most convenient to use self improvement resources is to listen to free internet talk radio programs featuring experts in the personal development arena or top inspirational speakers.

Many of them allocate time for open lines and you might be able to put a call through to talk to them directly.

Listening to self improvement podcasts is simple; put on a pair of headphones and listen directly from your computer while you de-clutter your desk or exercise.

Or, download the show on your iPod and listen while doing housework, gardening, or staying in traffic!

Learn Out Loud or Blog Talk Radio are two of the most popular ones.

Self Improvement Resources: Life Coaches

You surely know this already: the shortest route to success is to walk the path with a guide. Working with a life coach will minimize your learning curve, help you set and achieve goals aligned with your personal core valueschange bad habits and self-limiting beliefs that hamper your progress.

A life coach will be able to customize a unique personal development plan with detailed action steps and resources specific to your own situation after administering advanced personality tests, and spiritual gifts assessments as needed. A coach will help you with your self-motivation, time management skills, give you constructive feedback and keep you on track.

All successful life coaches went through methodical personal growth training and are experienced with most self improvement ideas. Almost all offer free demo sessions to check your mutual “chemistry”.

To help you decide whether or not you like a specific life coach, subscribe first to their Ezine containing articles on self improvement and register for their free teleclasses. Many of them also offer RSS or blog feeds which you can subscribe to for free to get timely updates on their offerings.

Self Improvement Resources: Support Groups

Joining or starting a support group, either off or online, is hugely empowering. You will exchange the latest resources; get tips and feedback on the best courses, seminars and websites. You will have like minded people to report your progress and be accountable to – this is crucial to your speedy progress.

Participating in such a support group is great personal growth training and the best opportunity to continually improve your emotional intelligence and upgrade your positive attitude.

What are the benefits of a positive attitude? Well, it’s a valuable self esteem help, contributes to your self confidence and manifests in a healthy body and a life of abundance and prosperity.

With so many self improvement resources available, you really don’t have any excuse to not make radical improvements in your career, relationships, finances, health and well-being. You don’t really have any excuses to not find your life purpose and live it!